As the people of God, we believe that ministry is the responsibility of every single person who claims to follow Jesus. At Warrenton Baptist Church, we provide and facilitate numerous opportunities for you to love and serve others for the sake of the Gospel, and the list is constantly growing. See the ministries below to learn how our members are currently serving each other and their community.
TO GET INVOLVED, CONTACT: office@warrentonbaptistchurch.org
The beekeeping ministry’s goal is to promote the ecology and preservation of pollinators while celebrating and inspiring admiration of God through his natural creation. The ministry encourages and shares native plants and seeds that help pollinators.
The ministry maintains hives located at Alwington Farm. Honey is collected and sold and all funds are given back to youth ministries. Long term goal of the ministry include beekeeping education for youth and adults as well as seed sharing with the community.

This ministry exists to support the sound and video needs of our Sunday morning worship services. The Audio/Visual team is an invaluable part of the worship experience provided in each service, and their important role puts them in the unique role of worship leaders alongside the musicians and pastors.
Responsibilities of Audio/Visual team members include operating the sound board, helping to setup and take down sound equipment, and operating the computer and projectors to display material on-screen in the sanctuary. No previous experience is necessary! We will work with you to train and prepare you for whatever task you take on.
Our goal each Sunday is to provide a warm and cheerful environment where our members and guests can enjoy fellowship and interact before and after our morning services. The Coffee Fellowship Ministry is made up of a team of hospitality-minded people who help provide and setup coffee and snacks in our Fellowship Hall each Sunday morning. Team members serve in a rotation of volunteers and are scheduled at various times throughout the year.

Dinner Church is an evangelistic effort to take the gospel of Jesus into a mostly unchurched area of Warrenton, VA. Once a month, always on Thursday, the kitchen team gathers to make a delicious home-cooked meal in our WBC kitchen, then, transports it to Moffet Manor where the setup team is already there arranging dinner tables, complete with tablecloths, real china and flatware.
Oftentimes there are nice table decorations to make the residents feel very special and loved. We mix and mingle, then, serve and eat dinner all together. After dinner, we clean the dishes, then turn our attention to a 7- 9 minute Bible story, followed by our WBC table leaders who lead a table discussion directly related to the Bible story. We pray together then dismiss everyone until next month.
The mission of our ESL ministry is to share the love of God with international neighbors who want to learn English. Our volunteers teach the English language and American culture, build relationships, and share our love of God and concerns for each other in weekly or bi-weekly ESL classes. Our volunteers serve according to their talents. Some teach; some assist with teaching; some care for the children of our students; some act as hospitality hosts planning and serving refreshments and some offer scripture lessons and devotions.
All of us strive to build relationships to be better neighbors to our brothers and sisters. To build this ministry, we need volunteers of all types. You do NOT need to be able to speak a foreign language to help grow this ministry!

In the HomeReach Ministry, we visit our homebound members in their homes and in nursing homes in order to provide a sense of community for them. We often send cards to them on their birthdays and holidays, make up gift bags for them, and call them on the phone. Our main goal is to let our homebound members know that we are thinking about them and that we love them.
Sharing the message of Jesus Christ and assisting in creating opportunities for all ages to engage in His worship. We provide a variety of musical styles, service options, and creative ministries. Our desire is that our community would see and experience the love of Jesus through our worship & musical events.

NURTURE 139:13
Psalm 139:13 assures us of God's love for the unborn. While the world seeks to diminish the value of life in the womb, the church must work to affirm it. The goal of this ministry is to come along side women in need or in crisis, for which an unplanned pregnancy seems too overwhelming and scary to take on.
We want to foster a community in which they know they are not alone, and feel loved, supported, and encouraged to take on motherhood. Our hope is to nurture an environment where the value of God's creation that we see in Psalm 139:13 can thrive and grow right here in Warrenton.
People Helping People of Fauquier County, Inc. is chartered with the Commonwealth of Virginia as a non-profit Corporation. It was founded with the purpose of helping those citizens of this county who are in immediate need. Our assistance covers such items as heat, electricity, medication, and other essential or emergency needs that are required.
The Corporation operates with an all-volunteer staff. Funding for this Corporation comes from private citizens, churches (Warrenton Baptist Church is one of those churches), and grants. WBC has ten volunteers who work three hours each week to interview applicants and recommend possible funding for applicants’ needs.

The Rooted ministry provides spiritual support and care to the guests and residents staying at some of the local motels in our area. Rooted collaborates with several churches and volunteers from the community to accomplish our mission of bringing the hope of Jesus to citizens in our community who often feel unwanted, unloved, and forgotten. We do this through intentional conversations, praying with residents, reading the Word of God, and by engaging in specific needs-based outreach efforts throughout the year.
This ministry seeks to provide new clothing and other essential items to children suffering from extreme poverty in Uganda, Africa. We partner with Hope4Kids International, a faith-based non-profit organization. Each month, we gather to produce handmade dresses with matching cloth dolls, tie-dyed t-shirts, and other personal items. The clothing we produce is hand-delivered during annual mission trips, and lovingly placed directly on the children.
This ministry meets the 3rd Saturday of every month from 9am until 12pm in the Fellowship Hall, and is open to everyone – regardless of sewing skills. There are plenty of jobs that require no sewing at all! Watch this brief video to learn more: https://youtu.be/AIVDjZCJoTQ

Our Sunday Greeter Team is on the front lines of engaging our visitors and congregants each Sunday morning, making sure they feel welcomed and valued. Volunteers greet attendees, direct people to our service locations, help guide people to Sunday school class rooms, and personally show families with children to the Children’s Ministry check-in kiosk.
Warrenton Baptist Tiny Tots Care Center (WBTTCC) in cooperation with Warrenton Baptist Church has provided a strong family ministry to our local and neighboring communities for over 30 years.
Our Center works to minister to the community by offering love and support to each family and child in the Spirit of Christ. Although a childcare program can never substitute for strong family life, Tiny Tots will provide the following essentials for an overall healthy child development.

The Welcome Ministry works in conjunction with greeters and ushers to greet visitors to our church services and answer any questions they may have regarding our church. Members of the team attempt to identify visitors to the church as they enter the sanctuary on Sunday mornings and welcome them to our church.
As part of the welcome, they encourage visitors to fill out a “Connect Card” so that the church staff can follow up with a note or phone call. The goal of the ministry is to grow our congregation by ensuring that all visitors have a positive experience at Warrenton Baptist Church.
​The Firewood Ministry works to provide free firewood to low-income individuals in our community that rely on wood to heat their homes. The ministry was formed in 2017 and includes many local churches and volunteers from the community. The Firewood Ministry team meets every Saturday morning from 9AM-11AM October through May and 8AM-10AM June through September, 52 weeks a year. We also have a team of “retired volunteers” who meet regularly every Wednesday during those same hours throughout the year.
Our 2023-2024 team provided over 3,600 volunteer hours in helping to meet our client’s needs in the community. Many volunteers work almost every day of the year at the wood lot, others on Wednesdays and Saturdays. No special skills are necessary to join our team; just a “servant’s heart”.
We have opportunities for the complete novice up to the most skilled worker. The wood is cut, split and stacked during the spring and summer months, then delivered to our clients during the Fall and Winter months. Over 517 loads of wood were delivered during our 2023-2024 season.